A 54-year-old German Oktoberfest visitor turned to the employees of the Oktoberfest medical guard in Munich on Thursday evening, September 26, 2024, around 9:00 p.m.
She explained to the paramedics that she had sustained a small splinter in her buttocks area while sitting on a wooden bench and was now feeling a slight stinging sensation. After more urgent emergencies had been dealt with by the emergency services, the paramedics brought the 54-year-old to the treatment area, where she was then examined in more detail.
When the splinter was removed from the woman's buttocks, it turned out that it was not a small foreign body, but rather a splinter of wood over 8 centimeters long.
The splinter was removed in one piece and the woman's wound was then cleaned.
“The 54-year-old was able to continue her evening in the festival tents with relief,” said a spokesman for the Aicher Ambulance, which is responsible for providing medical services at the Munich Oktoberfest.
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